Tubby Tunes radio show is an eclectic blend hosted by DJ Long John in Mendocino County, CA. It’s keeping the spirit of KFAT-Gilroy alive
Archives: Shows
Shows Archive
Salsa Picante
Salsa Picante is a refreshing mix of latin
Beautiful Music for Beautiful People
Les Tarr’s latest treat is simply an easy going, easy listening show, with beautiful music and a minimal amount of chatter. Absolutely perfect for relaxing
The Adventures of Barnaby Druthers
Barnaby Druthers is a bumbling British detective who believes he’s the heir apparent to Sherlock Holmes (but isn’t).
The Mike and Mari Show
A B O U T In the comedic tradition of Nichols and May, Burns and Allan, and Bonnie and Clyde, The Mike and Mari Show offers a
WCT Variety Show
Local Willits Community Theatre actors, directors and technicians work together with KLLG exclusively to produce monthly radio programs. Whether dramatic, or comedic, new or nostalgic